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Lounge for Driver’s – An Appreciation Gesture from KKR

KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 - In appreciation for the services rendered by the drivers at the Ministry of Works (MOW), the top management represented by YBhg. Datuk Himmat Singh, General Secretary of MOW has approved the application to provide a resting room for drivers. This room which is located on the Ground floor of Block B, Kompleks Kerja Raya has been operational from early February this year.

With regards to that, an opening ceremony to officiate the driver’s resting room was held today by YBrs. Encik Sarani bin Dollah, Deputy Secretary General (Operations), MOW. According to him, the room would be a convenience for the drivers so that they can relax in comfort and symbolizes the appreciation for their service which is seen important in the MOW organization. He hopes that the facility would be well kept by the drivers in accordance with the undertaking signed by each driver.

The drivers have expressed their gratitude for the appreciation and feels that it is an excellent opportunity for all the drivers to cultivate team spirit as they would be able to share their experiences and knowledge with each other. It was disclosed at an interview with Encik Mohd Rozi bin Ibrahim and through the speech by the driver’s representative, Encik Omar bin Yahya. The ceremony was also attended by SUB Administration, SUB Finance and the staffs involved in managing the affairs of the drivers.

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