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Survey of the Deputy Minister of Public Works to the Main Middle Ring Project Section 3J, Lipis and Upgrading FT 64, Jalan Benta-Jerantut-Maran, Pahang.

LIPIS, PAHANG, JANUARY 26, 2023 – Deputy Minister of Public Works (MOW), YB Dato' Sri Abdul Rahman Haji Mohamad reviewed the progress of the Toll Freeway Project Central Ring Road (LTU), Section 3J: Kg. Berang Jelai to Kg. Relong, Pahang. This survey aims to identify the issues and challenges faced by contractors to ensure that this project can be completed according to the planned schedule.

LTU is one of the high-impact projects under the MOW involving 6 packages from the state of Kelantan to Pahang. One of the packages involved is Package 3: Gua Musang, Kelantan to Kg. Relong, this Pahang.

The LTU, formerly known as the Central Spine Road (CSR), is able to shorten the travel time for users from Kuala Lumpur to Kelantan to just 3 hours.

Section 3J involves the scope of work on the construction of a new 4-lane 2-way road (K2-2) of JKR R5 standard along 6.95 kilometers (km) from Kg. Berang Jelai to Kg. Relong, construction of 5 bridges, 2 Vehicular Box Culverts (VBC) and land reclamation. This project costing RM 257 million was started on 29 June 2020 and is expected to be completed on 24 July 2024 with the latest progress of 14.10%.

Also receiving the Deputy Minister's attention during this survey was the FT64 Federal Road Upgrading Project, Benta-Jerantut-Maran Road. Route FT64 is the main road connecting Benta with Maran that is often used by road users, especially residents around Lipis, Pahang.

The government, through MOW is in the process of upgrading this route to increase the level of comfort and safety for road users. This upgrading project is divided into 3 Phases where the second Phase of 21km connecting Jerantut with Simpang Jengka has been completed while the first and third Phases are being implemented.

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